Dan Sullivan on ANWR….”WTF?” — January 26, 2015Original article written by Jenny Jiang on Monday, January 26, 2015 · for WhatTheFolly.com Transcript: Continue Reading ...
Murkowski on ANWR… “We’re getting screwed” — January 26, 2015Murkowski’s primal scream on ANWR points to Alaska’s precarious balance Alaska’s Continue Reading ...
10 years after, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito makes his case — February 16, 2016The Supreme Court had brought before it an issue on a federal ban on hovercraft inside national parks,
Alaska Turf Wars-Frontiers — February 2, 2016Since statehood battles on who controls Alaska’s land and the waters have existed. Watch this video
Game Changer on the Yukon-The John Sturgeon Story (Video) — November 2, 2015John Sturgeon is a 46 year resident of Alaska. He has worked in Alaska’s forest products industry
A Constitutional Right to Hovercraft? — October 31, 2015The U.S. Supreme Court considers an odd case from Alaska, with the fraught question of federal management
Game Changer on the Yukon — October 31, 2015My grandfather moved from Washington to Alaska in 1940 to work, hunt and play in an environment that
Forget 10 Years–Drilling ANWR Would Pay Off Right Away — February 12, 2015The fragile economy, high unemployment, and national debt are major concerns for many Americans across